Our team was formed by Ms Roula Rouva, the Founder and Managing Director of the company, a woman with a strong belief in one’s inner power and supporter of the motto “if you can dream it , you can do it”. This feeling of constantly working on yourself and improving your skills is spread amongst our team, as you need to believe that you can be the best version of yourself in order to become it. This has made our team become stronger every year, both mentally and professionally and able to achieve our goals, which are always set higher each year.
This way of mentoring has not gone unnoticed, as you need a great leader in order to have a winning team. For this reason, Ms Rouva was asked by the curators of the Corfiot Tedx to take part as a speaker in order to share her story with graduates and young professionals in order to convey her experience and spread the belief of “Sky’s the limit”.
TEDx brings the spirit of TED’s mission of ideas worth spreading to local communities around the globe. TEDx events are organized by curious individuals who seek to discover ideas and spark conversations in their own community.
We are very proud to be part of the first Tedx event in Corfu, organized by an amazing team of students from the Ionian University and it is a great honor for us, to have Ms Rouva as our leader. A woman who started this company alone and today is invited by the Ionian University to share her knowledge.